Words, Words, Words.

Meet Alex Scott. She has a story to tell – about her life and her legacy, her humor and her heart. The story of a young girl fiercely determined to make a difference despite the challenges she faces. Alex’s true story reminds us all that a single person can change the world – one act, or even one cup, at a time.
Recommended ages 7 to adult
With permission of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Why You Need to See First Stage’s
‘The Amazing Lemonade Girl’
The show made its world premiere in Milwaukee
and it’s based on a powerful true story.
More Praise for 'Lemonade Girl'
“… a testament to what Youth Theatre can be: stirring, emotional and fearlessly tackling tough subjects. While this topic, on the outside, may seem too heavy for a young audience, I would argue that it does exactly what live theatre was designed to do: to create empathy; to help guide audiences through these tough emotions by allowing them to experience those emotions through the characters on the stage.”
“I somehow left the theater crying (along with most other adults) but also felt uplifted and encouraged that there are still good people in the world and that positive change is still possible through kindness, love, and persistence. Bad things happen, but there is always good, even if you have to look a little harder to find the good. The good is there, and we cannot lose sight of our horizon to recognize its existence.